Thursday 30 January 2020

Interim update

You're probably wondering why the blog has gone quiet.

A nasty dose of the flu has struck, leaving the blogger at home shivering in bed. No work, no photographs, no blog posts. It's been like this for 8 days now, with not much improvement. It's too early to predict when posting will resume, please be patient. It's a virus, nothing much you can do, it has to run its course.


The Pway gang have completed the resleepering and re-ferruling excercise at Greet, and this Saturday will return to the viaduct to start putting the track back. Work will start from the southern end and continue north. Quite a number of the sleepers sold to us as 'hardwood' 15 years ago have severe decay and will be replaced by a small supply we have in stock still.

Normal blog service will be restored as soon as possible.


  1. My sympathies Jo, no fun being ill. I recall being sick a lot when a child - Lucozade was always prescribed; did that make it a lucozade virus? Stay warm and get well soon!

  2. Sorry to hear that you are unwell. I had sort of wondewed…...…
    Get well soon but enjoy (as much as possible), the pampering and stay warm and draught free.
    Regards, Paul.

    1. The pampering has definitely helped.
      Got a scone with raspberry jam today :-) Scones are known for their healing properties....

  3. Missed those stunning "3-D" photos Jo!


    1. 3 D ???I don't think I ever got that far. You'll want virtual reality next.

      Feeling a teeny bit better today, collating a Civil Engineering blog which could go up this afternoon some time.

  4. do what i do HOT milk and the same amount of Whiskey then go to bed

    1. Feeling a lot better now, thanks. Back some time next week.

  5. Taff is right about the whisky. But make sure it's a good single malt. I had an unexplained cold virus three or four years ago. I treated it (over a period of a week) with a bottle of 25 year old "The Macallan".

    All symptoms disappeared, Temperature went back to normal. Appetite returned.

    But I kept warm ! You'll need to too. Stay out of the cold, at least for a few weeks. And get well soon.

    Peter Wright

  6. Jo, The words 3-D were inside speach marks. Powli
